Pacers’ Backpack offers a new way to save funds on your textbooks!

Pacers’ Backpack is a powerful and convenient program designed to ensure students get the course
materials they need to succeed before their first day of class.

The Pacers’ Backpack program delivers required course materials to you for any of the courses
participating in the program. The cost will be included in your tuition or course charges. This program
provides a method to easily access, manage and use all course materials regardless of format or cost.
Digital course materials will be made available to you directly within the campus learning
management system & email.

Physical course materials will be available for pick up at the campus bookstore.

Special shipping options may be available upon request, please contact your Bookstore for further details.

The Benefits of Pacers’ Backpack5

  • Having required course materials sets you up for success in the classroom
  • Receiving course materials is a stress-free event
  • Easily access, manage and use digital course materials
  • Don’t worry about getting the wrong book or wrong edition
  • Significant cost savings over traditional printed materials

Important Dates

  • 5/6/2024 – Emails to students begin
  • 5/12/2024 – Order release date
  • 5/30/2024 – Last day to opt out for students in May start

How to Access Course Materials & Textbooks

Click the button below to learn how to access your course material and textbooks.


How does Pacers’ Backpack work?

The Pacers’ Backpack program allows for all the course materials for a class to be included in tuition and fees. Once you have selected your courses for those that are part of the Pacers’ Backpack program, the campus store will gather your materials. 

The majority of course materials will be provisioned through Blackboard or your student .edu email address. Any physical course materials will be available for pickup at the bookstore. You will receive an email when your physical product is ready for pickup.

What is the cost and how do I pay?

The Pacers’ Backpack program offers required course material at a discounted rate of $19 per credit hour. This will be bundled into your tuition and fees. This allows every enrolled student access to all required materials on the first day of class.

What type of materials will I receive?

Depending on your classes and the course materials your professor requires, you may receive a combination of: digital course materials, printed textbooks, printed lab manual or workbooks.

What course materials are not included in the Pacers’ Backpack program?

All textbook and web access materials identified by your instructor as required are included as part of the program. Additional supplies, such as kits, uniforms, and recommended materials, will be available for purchase at the campus store.

How do I get my course materials?

Once you have selected your courses, your course list will be sent to the campus store, and they will get everything ready for you! All you need to do is check your school email for where to locate your materials.  You will be provided a digital bookshelf and/or told when the printed materials are ready to be picked up at the PCC Bookstore.

Additional supplies may be purchased at the PCC Bookstore or at

What if I add or drop a course?

If you add or drop a course, that information is automatically transmitted to the PCC Bookstore. For added courses, Digital materials will be emailed to your school email account or provisioned directly into Blackboard. For printed materials, you will receive an email (check your school email address) when the new print materials are ready for pick up. Please allow 24-48 hours after adding a new course to allow the information to transmit and for a team member to ready those materials.

For courses dropped prior to the last day to drop/add, printed materials must be returned to the PCC Bookstore. Access to electronic or digital materials will be automatically disabled.

Do I get to keep my materials at the end of each term?

Printed materials are yours to keep at the end of each term. Digital materials can be accessed for a minimum of 180 days and may be available for longer period of time based on the material adopted and the publisher’s terms.

Is there an opt out option?

All students are automatically included in the Pacers’ Backpack Program; however, students may opt-out of the program during specified opt-out periods. You will have the option to opt out of at the start of each term.

You will find details on this process either in your email about 30 days before your class start date or by contacting your bookstore. Many Opt-Out decisions will have to be finalized by you (the student) within two weeks of the class start date. Campus Policies and dates/deadlines may vary and for further details on specific dates please contact your bookstore.

Opt-Out Portal:

Opt-Out Process Instructions

For questions about the Op-Out Portal contact the Bookstore:
• Email:
• Phone: (336) 322-2339
• Website:

Can I change my mind and opt back in?

If you already opted out and the opt-out period has not ended, you can opt back in during that period of time. Please log back in to the opt-out portal and choose “Opt-In”. You can login to the Opt-Out portal. Check your school email address for the link to the Opt-Out portal.

What if my class does not have an assigned textbook?

The Pacers’ Backpack program applies to all enrolled curriculum students.

Rates are based on enrolled credit hours.

Beyond Course Materials

You have your course materials. What’s next? Pacers’ Backpack has all the best selection of officially licensed Pacer gear around. We are ready to outfit you head to toe with school spirit. We also look forward to seeing you in the store to grab all your supplies and technology.